That moment when everyone you know is flailing about a movie, and you go see it, and so badly want to love it ahahaa hell no.
I'd really
love to see a movie and not spend half of it eyerolling at the
incredibly dense borderline insulting ethnic and gender stereotypes that
make up the entire main cast.
Also I'd like to see a movie
that gets basic physics right. Oh no, I'm not talking about combat
physics here, those I can suspend quite a bit of disbelief for. But when, ten minutes in, we throw basic aerodynamics in the shitter because we simply MUST without doubt have the Sad Asian Girl Under
Umbrella trope (uh, I dunno if any of y'all ever spend time around
helicopters but an open umbrella and a close range landing
copter...don't mix.
(In B4 'it's the fyooture they have magic wind resisting umbrellas).
I'd like to see a movie where I don't know the end after the first twenty minutes of the film.
disappointed. I really really wanted to like this movie, and all my
fandom friends are flailing about it, the ones whose opinions matter to
me, and so I see it and I'm just...I think I didn't see the same movie?
Because I saw something with offensive stereotypes of Germans, nerds,
and Asians, where Russians are Bleached Bitches, and Crimson Typhoon is run by three Chinese triplets.... because, ya know, they all look alike. *headdesk*.
. I saw a movie where MEN win
the war, and the one woman who actually gets some rounding is still
called a 'girl' not a 'woman'. I saw a movie where once again White
American Man saves the universe, with everyone else being supporting
players. I saw a movie with a mess of a political message (we caused
this with Global Warming, I say, in the middle
of July about to put on a sweater), but that in the end entirely
supports Western cultural imperialism and appropriation. And of course
heterosexual romance. If a female exists and has a personality, she must be romance fodder.
I'm just...I'm tired of it? I'm tired of 'strong female characters' meaning 'female character overcoming some past trauma who is emotionally, therefore, made of spun sugar.'.
And what was with Del Toro giving the definitions and pronunciation of kaiju and jaeger in the opening seconds of the film? What the hell was that about? Does he trust his audience so little he thinks we can't handle foreign words? Is it another signifiier of the cooptation of the alien?
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